Thursday, March 18, 2010

JAIL,caning for gang of 7

THE leader of a gang of seven who slashed to death the operator of an illegal gambling den was yesterday given a 20-year jail term and 18 strokes of the cane.

His fellow gang members each received 12 years and 10 strokes.

The seven pleaded guilty last month to manslaughter; another man alleged to have been involved in the attack, Mohamad Najiman Abdull Azis, 31, has claimed trial to a murder charge.

The attack on Mr Seah Boon Lye, 26, in Geylang Lorong 10 in the early hours of Feb 23, 2008, arose from a gangland dispute.

The accused are gang leader Suhardi Ali, 30; Ahmad Suhaimi Ismail, 17; Sufian Nordin, 24; Muhammad Haziq Mohamed, 20; Jason Luo Weiqiang, 22; Muhammad Syukur Mohamed Salleh, 19; and Adrian Toh Huang Shee, 19.

They had gone up against Mr Seah and his younger brother Boon Heng, who were also in illicit trades in the Geylang area.


From my own opinion, I really think that they deserved that punishment because they did a serious crime of killing someone.The punishment will show the people that we have the law to abide in and only the law can sentence any illegal activities like gambling. But I still do not think that they should be sentenced to death because no man can decide when it is time for them to die. But besides that, I agree to their punishment!



For me, technology is something that makes life easier and enjoyable.The three tech things I cant live without are Cellphone, Internet, and Laptop. First is cellphone because it helps me connect to my friends and to the ones i love...And when i forgot my cellphone, i feel very uneasy and keep thinking of my cellphone. Second is the internet. Internet helps me in a lot of ways such as email,Facebook,Online games,youtube, and downloadable movies..Third is laptop because without a laptop with you, you cant just go to the web anywhere and you still need to find an internet shop.And with a laptop, all that you like ti download can be stored in your computer and see them anytime you want!!

That's All!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Photo Description

My name is Loi Daniel M. Rabe. My favorite sport is basketball since I was 5 years old. I joined my basketball team and represented my school in a championship tournament and we won!

Then,that I am already a bit good at basketball,I decided to go to another kind of sport, GO MINI-GOLF!!!!!Even though I was not that good, I got the highest score in the game at my first try! At first,I didn't believe it because it was my first time to play golf!

But after a tough day, I like to sit down beside a tree on a cool day having a little chat with the person i love or sitting alone with a juice pack and a book,having a little quietness.....That's all!!! =)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Who Am I?

My name is Daniel,but in my primary school life,my friends call me "Shadow"... My Friends calls me that because I usually do not talk unless the teacher tells me too. Another reason is that I like wearing dark clothes and i wished to make my hair long. But don't even think of calling me an "EMO" because I don't cut myself...HAHAS!!!

I am a good Basketball Player and a good Swimmer. I represented my school in the Philippines on a championship and we actually won... My family are all Filipino but Me and my mom has some mixed blood of Chinese.

My Secondary one goal is to become a "Prefect" or as they call it, "Student Councilors".Even if I don't know what they do most, I know they serve the school with pride and determination.